Founding Board member, Children of the Green Earth

Dorothy Maclean

“The discovery that we can communicate and work with all life in the universe on an equal basis gives a special completion and a fresh beginning to our humanity.”

Dorothy Maclean

Finding My Roots

Dorothy Maclean was born and raised in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. After graduation from the University of Western Ontario she worked with British Intelligence in several countries during World War II. In Britain, while in commercial jobs or at art school, she searched for the essential qualities of living. In this search she experienced a conscious communion with her inner divinity, which led her to Scotland with Peter and Eileen Caddy. Together they founded the Findhorn Community whose famous garden is based on Dorothy’s attunement to the essence of the forces of nature. She spent eleven years there from 1962-1973, exploring and blending with the inner realms as well as acting as Secretary of the Findhorn Foundation.

The Gifts of Trees

Men of the Trees, dedicated to handing on our tree heritage for others to enjoy, often find that they gain inspiration for their loving service. As they become planters of trees, their own lives are enriched beyond all expectation, for whole communities of trees radiate gratitude and return the love showered on them at compound interest…. When planting is done in the spirit of worship, a miracle happens. The messages from the Tree Devas through Dorothy reveal the occult explanation that scientific research has been unable to give. The ancients believed that the Earth itself is a sentient being and feels the behavior of mankind upon it. As we have no scientific proof to the contrary, I submit that we should accept this and behave accordingly and thus open up for ourselves a new world of understanding. How dull life would be if we did not accept anything we could not explain! For my part, I would rather be a believer than an unbeliever. It would be conceited to be otherwise, when there is the miracle of sunshine and sunset in the Sahara, the miracle of growth from the tiny germinating seed to the forest giant — a veritable citadel in itself providing food and shelter for myriads of tiny things which acts as an indispensable link in the Nature cycle and gives the breath of life to man.

Dorothy Maclean

The Monterey Cypress

The most powerful and urgent message that I received from all of nature was from a tree, the Monterey Cypress, in 1967. It impacted me so strongly that I felt helpless, for no one around me understood the urgency that it imparted until I met St Barbe in 1969 and he suggested the publication of the tree messages. Since then, I have always tried in my workshops to share the message of the large trees as I have traveled around the globe. While the role of trees environmentally is more commonly understood today, the spiritual role of trees has not yet been fully understood. The devas emphasize various reasons for the need for mature trees on the planet. Although they do not agree with our thoughtless approach to trees, they offer us continual love. There was always a sense of friendliness and equality throughout my contact with them.”

Dorothy’s work with the nature kingdom has been outlined in The Findhorn Garden, and more completely described in To Hear The Angels Sing. Her messages from the trees are offered in The Call of the Trees, and messages from the flowering plant kingdom are to be found in Seeds of Inspiration.

Great forests must flourish, and humans must see to this if they wish to continue to live on this planet. They are indeed, the skin of the earth, and a skin not only covers and protects, but passes through it the forces of life.” – Dorothy Maclean, from “To Hear the Angels Sing”.
Books by Dorothy, including Call of the Trees, are available through Lorian Press.

From 1980-1995 Children of the Green Earth initiated, fostered, and connected children’s tree planting efforts in schools, youth groups.

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